I was invited to a group visit weekend to the University of Colorado at Boulder's Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, my first visit to a grad school and the first time I'd ever been in Colorado
March 10-11, 2005

01-UniversityOfColorado The campus of the University of Colorado at Boulder, with the Flatiron Ranges making for a picturesque setting 02-CUCampus CU campus 03-CU University of Colorado 04-TheSink The Sink, a popular restaurant with students in downtown Boulder, where some current CU grad students took all of us prospies to lunch 05-FolsomField Folsom Field, the football home for the Colorado Buffaloes 06-DuanePhysics The tall building is Duane Physics Building 07-FolsomField Folsom Field 08-FolsomField Folsom Field 09-North Looking north 10-FolsomConcourse Folsom concourse 11-Field Practice field 12-Folsom Folsom, with the Flatirons in the background 13-Campus Campus 14-Campus University of Colorado 15-Clouds Clouds illuminated by the sun sinking behind the Flatirons 16-DuanePhysics Duane Physics ... all the buildings on the CU campus had the same stonework exterior, it was pretty cool 17-FolsomField Folsom Field ... I'd seen this place on TV, which is part of why I was drawn to it ... that, and I knew that I'd be going to games here if I chose to attend Colorado 18-CUCampus CU campus 19-Buffalo The Monarch of the Plains, the mascot of the Colorado Buffaloes, sitting outside Folsom Field 20-ViewFrom11thDuane The view from the 11th floor of Duane Physics, where the Program for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences hosted an official dinner for us prospective grad students 21-Boulder The city of Boulder, as viewed from 11th Duane 22-Boulder Boulder 23-FolsomField Folsom Field, as seen from 11th Duane 24-LASP-Mariner6-7 On the second full day of our visit, PAOS brought us around to some of the different atmospheric science research organizations that are located in Boulder, the so-called 25-LASP-Rockets Rockets on display in the lobby of LASP 26-LASP-Mariner A closeup of the Mariner 6 & 7 probe 27-FlatironsA Flatirons, the first picture that I took to put together a panoramic 28-FlatironRangesB Flatiron Ranges, the front range of the Rockies 29-FlatironsC Flatirons 30-FlatironsD Flatirons 31-FlatironsE Flatirons 32-FlatironRanges Flatiron Ranges 33-Flatirons Flatirons 34-LASP LASP was definitely a cool place to visit 35-GovtViruses A computer in the lobby of NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ... the text on the page is funny enough, but the date at the bottom of the page is 14 October 2004, which means that by this point it had been 5 months that this computer had been out of order due to viruses and spyware ... more proof that the government moves about as quick as molasses in January in Alaska 36-NOAA-Sculpture A sculpture in the lobby of NOAA 37-SphericalTheaterScreen One of the world's first spherical theater screens, located at NOAA-Boulder 38-NOAA-View The view from the front doors of NOAA 39-Jared-NOAA Proof that I was at NOAA 40-NOAA NOAA 41-NCAR After LASP and NOAA, next up was a visit to NCAR, the National Center for Atmospheric Research ... the distinctive buildings on the NCAR campus were designed by legendary architect I.M. Pei 42-NCAR-Tower One of the towers at the NCAR building ... in addition to a tour and a presentation, we were treated to lunch with the Director of NCAR 43-BoulderCampus Back on the campus of CU-Boulder ... I decided to wander around campus and Boulder with one of the other prospies, a girl from Nebraska 44-Mall The academic mall at CU 45-Creek A creek running through campus 46-BoulderCreek Boulder Creek 47-Boulder Boulder 48-PearlStreet Pearl Street, a pedestrian mall at the heart of Boulder 49-PearlStreet Pearl Street 50-BoulderCourthouse Boulder Courthouse