Australian Seminars Arranged

G’day! I got back from Colorado back on Saturday (a post and plenty of pictures from that trip coming soon!), so now I can start turning my attention toward my trip to Australia in less than two weeks! I was so crazy-busy in the lead-up to my trip to Colorado, trying to get research done for that trip, that I haven’t really had any time to put into getting ready for Australia.
While I’m still busy now, I’m actually much more relaxed, which is good, and it’s allowed me to get a number of things done. Applying for an electronic visa? Check. Confirming I have no-fee ATM withdrawals worldwide (and thus won’t bother with travelers checks)? Check. Editing a support letter that’s going out to my church this weekend? Check. Meeting with Ash & Tracy to go over some plans and advise them weather-wise on what to bring? Check. Contacting some people I know at Monash to arrange for some grad student ministry events/meetings? Check. Arranged for places for me to stay while I’m in Melbourne (with my friends Rob & Simone, Joel & Rosey, and James & Ali)? Check (kinda — I still need to arrange what nights I’m staying with who). But things are falling into place.
Also, submitting abstracts for my three research seminars that I’m giving? Check. Took care of that one this afternoon. For the main work/education-related purpose to my trip, I’m giving three seminars (the same one at all three places, entitled “Down-Selecting for Numerical Weather Prediction Ensemble Configurations.” I’m giving them mainly because I’m interested in the possibility of pursuing a post-doc position in Australia, if one were to become available. So here’s when I’m giving seminars in the Melbourne area:
Fri 6 Aug at noon: Monash University
Wed 11 Aug at 1pm: University of Melbourne
Thu 12 Aug at 10am: Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre
I’m really excited about these, and they’ll be brand-new experiences for me. I’ve never given a seminar at someplace other than Penn State before (and I’ll be giving this same seminar at the Water Tunnel Building on Fri 30 Jul at 9am), and there will be a fair amount of new experiences for me. It was really easy to arrange them too; I just emailed someone at each place, introduced myself, said I was coming to Melbourne, and asked if I could visit their institution, and offered to give a seminar. They’re more than happy to arrange for seminars from foreign scientists who visit Australia. 🙂 I’ve been having fun putting the talk together this week, and I think it’s going to turn out really well! There’s still some additional work I’d like to include, of course, so hopefully I can get that wrapped up before I leave.
Monday 2 August, when Ash, Tracy & I depart for Australia, will be here before we know it! Two weeks from now I’ll be happily jet-lagged, walking around Melbourne, and seeing old friends again!!

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