Jack Bauer Hates Lemonade

My week can be summed up in two words: data transfer. I’m finally about 60-65% done with transferring 140 GB of data to a 400 GB external hard drive. I might’ve been done by now if my computer in Walker had a USB 2.0 port though, instead of crappy USB 1.0. Oh well, I should be all done by Friday morning with it. Then this morning I went to a marathon two and a half hour group meeting, and there was some stuff I was vaguely told I would be doing, but it all went whooshing over my head. Learning curves suck.
The nice weather has helped my motivation to go running a bit, I went for jogs today and on Monday, both days going longer than I did last week. Not much longer, but it’s still progress.
**24 spoiler alert:** If you’re Rob T. from Australia or someone else who hasn’t yet seen the season finale to 24 but plans on doing so, skip this paragraph… Amber, Bob, Rob C. & I all went up to Vic, Jeff & Rob L.’s place to watch the big 2-hour season finale, it was a 24 party! The look on President Logan’s face starting from the moment the Secret Service started moving in was absolutely priceless! But as for Jack, is this the definition of “slow boat to China”? Definitely more of a cliffhanger than last season. But I’m very sad that there are gonna be no more new 24 episodes for 6-7 months. What am I gonna do with my Monday nights now?
Last night Kerrie, Caren, Amber & I had a bit of a training session to learn how to crew (push all the right buttons) for the CNET tapings. Matt, the undergrad in charge of CNET this summer, was absolutely thrilled to have the four of us interested in doing stuff with that this summer because he’s so short-handed. Sometime later this summer Kerrie & I are gonna try out going on camera. CNET’s probably the best place to train for that sort of stuff, since it’s just videotaped 3 1/2 minute forecasts aired on the local community access channel. Meaning nobody’s really gonna see my first few comical, mistake-filled attempts of doing a forecast on the air. 🙂
Thank goodness another Red Sox-Yankees series is over, ESPN can stop hyperventilating for a little while. I still hate the Yankees, but the Red Sox are getting so much coverage (for instance, Kerrie complains when they’re not on ESPN at least three times a week, hehe) and are just as free-spending as the Yankees nowadays. Sometimes it seems like the media isn’t aware that there are in fact baseball teams outside of the Northeast. But it still doesn’t stop me from watching the games, as tonight I went over to Ben’s place with Tim, Steve & Byran to watch the first 6 innings or so.
The redesigned and updated Penn State Christian Grads website is now online, I spent a good chunk of Monday working on it. It’s not totally finished, but at least it’s got updated information now. It took a bit of rigamarole to get me added as the webmaster, but we finally figured it out so now I have access to change the website.
This just in: Britons think the French are the rudest, most boring people on earth. No way!
Hat tip to Walter for pointing out this awesome PhD Comics panel about writing a thesis.
Man, those Ruskies have a high tolerance for alcohol. A driver in Lithuania was arrested for having a blood alcohol content of .72, 18 times the legal limit of .04. Wow.
And the FBI thinks they may have found where Jimmy Hoffa was buried. So how does the small Michigan town deal with all the attention? Cupcakes. Seriously, these cupcakes are absolutely hilarious, you have to take a look at the photo included with the linked news story!
And oh, I hate PSU Security. They have absolutely nothing better to do than give me two parking tickets for parking in a completely legal spot in the White Course parking lot. Supposedly I parked in a “reserved space,” but it’s unsigned, unmarked, and a normal parking spot that tons of residents from White Course have used all year long, including me. I guess I need to make time for a little walk up to Eisenhower Building tomorrow to go yell at them. I better get out of these tickets, because I did absolutely nothing wrong…

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