Easter Weekend

This has been a pretty good weekend I’d say. I mean, for one, the weather was absolutely gorgeous all weekend long, especially the second half of Saturday and all day today, it was bright and sunny and in the mid-60s, what more can you ask for for an Easter Sunday?
Thursday wasn’t particularly memorable for whatever reason. Though I did get more work in on my Cloud Physics paper, so I was at least moderately productive.
Friday I woke up extra early, as I was planning on getting into Walker about an hour before class along with everyone else so we could finish getting our group presentation put together for Mesoscale about the RKW paper on squall lines (which went pretty well I think). But before that happened Ripka’s called saying that my car was ready (yay!). That whole process took awhile longer than I thought, as the guy I was dealing with was quite chatty. Nice and honest and a very good mechanic, but rather talkative. I think I actually know quite a bit about the inner workings of their business and their history now, haha. But anyway, they said the problem with my car was just a temperature sensor, so they got that replaced. They told me it they tried starting it with the engine warm a couple times and that it started right up for them no problems. Which is why I was rather disappointed to find out several times today that my car’s still acting up with the same exact problem. So hopefully they’ll take another look at my car this week and actually figure out what’s going on, I’m gonna call them tomorrow. I trust they’ll get it right this time, they’re a really honest shop of good mechanics from all indications.
Daniel & I tried out another new place for lunch on Friday, Jamaica Junction, though Daniel had been there once before. Anytime you can order “the jerk” (chicken) it’s a pretty cool restaurant in my opinion. That and the served plantains there that were absolutely amazing! I’d only had plantains maybe only once before in my life and a really long time ago, but these were really quite good. I’m definitely adding that to my list of good eateries in and around State College.
Trivia on Friday night went better than last week at least. Our team, “A Good Friday to Avoid Meat,” pulled in 2nd place, despite choking on the last question. But hey, 2nd place is better than no place, like last week.
I decided to get a haircut on Saturday morning. It’d been five months since my last one, and I was definitely getting all shaggy/curly/mop-top again, so it was time to get a trim. The rest of the afternoon I focused pretty hard on finishing up my Cloud Physics paper, and I actually did complete it, figures and all, early Saturday evening. I’m so glad to be done with that finally, because now I can start focusing on my Mesoscale paper. Two term papers down, 1 to go. After teaching my roommate Bong Gi and one of his friends a bit with how to throw a frisbee, Saturday evening I went over to Daniel’s place where we watched “Ben-Hur.” He hadn’t seen it before, and I knew he liked older movies, so I figured he’d be interested and would like it, which he did. That’s such a good movie, it’s up there for sure in my top ten favourite movies. And it’s a wonderfully appropriate movie for Easter time. Why can’t they make movies like that nowadays? I mean, seriously.
Daniel & I went to Easter services this morning at SCEFC (He Is Risen!), and then afterwards he invited me over to his apartment to have an Easter dinner, which was great and very much appreciated. Mmmm, grilled chicken, potatoes, mint peas (I’d never had mint in peas before, but it was really good) and of course bread. Certainly a better meal than I would’ve had had I been cooking by/for myself! 😉 The History Channel was airing the 4-part, 8-hour miniseries “Jesus of Nazareth” during the afternoon, so we watched that for awhile before it was time to head to Kerrie’s for Easter desserts. A whole bunch of the meteo grads were over there, and I certainly had my fill of sweets and food in general. So full… In fact I haven’t eaten anything since then, apart from a couple cookies (now I’ve really had my RDA of sweets for the day!).
Absolutely zero homework got done today, but who wants to do homework on Easter Sunday anyway? I figure I’ll get back to the grind hard-core tomorrow, the frantic stretch run of the semester is here. Just two more weeks of class and then finals. Be afraid, be very afraid.
I hope y’all had a good Easter out there!

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