Sweet 16 Eve

Wow, this week is so much less stressful than last week, the difference is unbelievable. Of course, not having two midterms will tend to relieve a bit of stress. I’ve naturally had a couple of assignments that I’ve been working at this week (though admittedly not at peak efficiency).
Did anyone out there who watched 24 this week not have your jaw just about drop to the floor in shock at the ending? Mine sure did. After a so-so episode last week, this one was thrilling. Although Homeland Security is getting a definite thumbs down for taking over CTU, that’s just a bad move.
AtoA-CraigDanielEdRyan-032206Tonight a few of the guys from the PSCG men’s group came over to my place to play some “Apples to Apples,” which was a very good time. There were a lot of funny word associations made, but a couple of the funniest included: 1) for the word “shallow,” people put down “the far left,” “Shania Twain,” and “the far right” — I mean, how can you choose which one is the best out of that! — and 2) for the word “sensual,” the red cards put down were “silk,” “The French Riviera,” and “Schindler’s List,” which totally took the cake. In South African Daniel’s defense, he accidentally put down the wrong card, but it was absolutely hilarious nonetheless. I’m still mystified as to how Ryan chose “gym teacher” over my “Helen Keller” card for the word “touchy-feely.” I absolutely love that game.
A couple bits of older news from earlier this month that I hadn’t been aware of… First, scientists at Sandia National Labs down in New Mexico superheated a gas to 3.5 billion Kelvin, a new record temperature achieved here on Planet Earth. The catch? According to the article, “They don’t know how they did it.” That’s comforting. As NRO’s Jonah Goldberg so eloquently put it, “I don’t like it when we create conditions hotter than the interior of the sun without knowing how we did it. What if I’m in the kitchen and I accidentally put the wrong stuff together and it happens? That’d be so not cool, literally.”
Second, I found out that back on March 2nd Dr. Henry Morris died, one of the “fathers” of the modern creation science movement. I was sad to hear of his passing, we owe a lot to him. I have yet to read “The Genesis Flood,” the book he authored that really started the whole movement, though it’s sitting on my shelf above my computer currently, after having bought it this past summer. Perhaps I’ll get around to it this summer. Anyway, a guy from AiG wrote a touching piece in memoriam of Dr Morris that’s well worth reading.
And finally, I came across this piece in the American Thinker about the Iraq war, and the strategy (or lack thereof) of the insurgency, that I found absolutely fascinating. It’s quite long but worth the read.
I need to try to finish my Cloud Physics homework before tomorrow evening, when the Sweet 16 begins! I especially need LSU to beat Duke and for Gonzaga to top UCLA tomorrow for my bracket to be happy. Texas winning would also be very nice. As for the Bradley-Memphis game, I didn’t have either team making it past this round, so I’m pulling for the upset for the ages. Basically, I’m all for the underdog (with the exception of Texas and Villanova in this tourney). I love college basketball!

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