Icy Wonderland

Ugh, I’m so tired. And so unmotivated to do more work tonight. I got most of the Dynamics homework done today, though now I’m stuck on the last part right along with everyone else. I hate that class.
The major disappointment of the day actually came when my student who called me “incompetent” on the lab he turned in last week (see my previous post) didn’t even show up to lab today. And I was so looking forward to a showdown too… Oh well, I guess that’ll just have to wait until after spring break.
IcyBirchBranches-030206We had a nice little ice storm today. I woke up this morning to a nice downpour of freezing rain, always a good way to start the day. It made for some really pretty scenes around the area, everything’s coated in a good tenth of an inch of ice. After Daniel & I gave up on Dynamics for the evening, I had to spend about 20 minutes scraping the ice off all my windows before I could give him a ride back up to his place, that was about the thickest, toughest ice I’ve ever scraped off my car. Hopefully the sun comes out tomorrow morning and is out for a little while before the ice melts and drops off the trees, I’d like to get a few more pictures around here.
Jon & I came to a decision tonight on a place to live. This morning we came to a decision on the maximum price we could pay for the duplex while not busting our budgets, and the landlord, despite his absolute best efforts, just wasn’t able to cut the price much more. I think that’s actually kind of a good thing, I’d rather have it that way and be able to say no easily (well, as easily as it can be to say no to a place as nice as that…), then have him swing some deals and get down really close to our target price, which would’ve forced us to think long and hard about it again. Oh well. But at least with that decided, we’ve elected to go for the place in Mt Nittany Apartments we saw last week and liked. That’s a nice place too, I think we’ll both like it there quite a bit. Staying within our means and being able to save a little money will be a nice thing, definitely.
I think I’ll make tonight an early night and get to bed before 1am. I know I won’t be able to get much sleep tomorrow night, I always have a hard time falling asleep the night before a trip, particularly when I have to wake up early like this Saturday morning, when Daniel & I will probably have to try to leave by 6:30 or 7am to head out for the Pittsburgh airport. Hopefully Northwest Airlines doesn’t strike, that’d just add too many complications and too much stress over the next week.

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