2 Down, 1 To Go

And then there was just one left. Our Rad Tran final was this morning, bright ‘n early at 8am. Let’s just say that I’m very glad it’s over. I think I did fine on the first three problems (60%), but then the final problem (40%) rocked me hardcore. Part of that was due to my brain gradually turning to mush from rad tran/exam fatigue. I was trying to figure out for a long time what I was doing wrong, but after spending 30-45 minutes literally just staring at my paper, I decided to quit at 11:30, half an hour before our time was gonna be up; I just wasn’t gonna get any further in that half hour. I think this exam went better than the second midterm, but then again that’s not saying too much. Basically everyone was worn out afterward, but very relieved that it was done. After grabbing some lunch at Fraser Street Deli with Daniel and spending an hour or so in the review session for the 501 exam, I just came back here and took a nap for 2-3 hours. I was so tired. I haven’t really gotten too much accomplished tonight, maybe an hour or so of 501 studying, and then other random stuff.
I’m just glad I didn’t have alarm clock issues this morning like I did yesterday morning. Daniel & I had been planning on going to the 9am church service, but I didn’t wake up till 8:50 when he called to let me know he was in the parking lot. Sigh, stupid not turning on the alarm clock… So anyway we wound up going to the 10:30 service, and then we decided to try out the Waffle Shop for lunch, as neither of us had ever been there before. Mmmm, omelette and pancakes, so good…
Well, maybe I’ll resume some studying for 501 when I wake up. The final’s from 1-3, and I’m pretty sure that after that there’ll be some celebration or get-together of some sort, particularly since a bunch of people are going home on Wednesday. I mean, you’ve gotta celebrate finishing the first semester of grad school in style. 😉 Almost there!

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