Rad Tran Hell

RadTranPuzzlement-KerrieDanielCaren-120405There’s really no other way to describe the past several days. This past weekend was undoubtedly the absolute worst weekend I’ve experienced homework-wise since late in the fall of my junior year, when we had a killer Mechanics assignment and the longest Advanced Modern Lab or two to write up. That weekend sucked. But so did this one, I just don’t know which one was worse. That’s the main reason I haven’t posted for nearly a week now, I’ve just had absolutely zero time until this evening. And I probably don’t even have this time. But I digress. The primary culprit for my suffering these days is Radiative Transfer.
My Rad Tran marathon started on Thursday, by which point Dr Clothiaux had thankfully pushed back the assignment from being due on Friday to Monday. I stayed in Walker till probably 10 or so, I really can’t remember. About all I remember is that when I was giving Daniel a ride up to his truck in the stadium lot on the other side of campus, I had to bust out the scraper to get some ice and snow off my windows. We’ve all been teasing him for awhile now that he’s gonna have to get a real scraper, that a calculator cover (or a spatula, but that was inspired by Amber) just won’t cut it up here like it would down in ‘Bama. I think now he realizes just how handy a scraper can be in these parts.
Friday began oh so wonderfully. We all got to Rad Tran, when Dr Clothiaux was like, “So, remember that exam you all took two and a half weeks ago that nobody finished in time? Yeah, I haven’t graded them yet, so I figured I’d give you another hour and a half to work on them this morning. Here they are, go.” Or something to that effect anyway. But seriously, we had absolutely no warning about it, so most of us had kinda forgotten what the second test was on, partly deliberately since we all knew we did so poorly on it. I think I eked out a few more points with that extra hour and a half, but I still really had no idea what was going on. And still nobody finished before the extra hour and a half was up, so what Dr Clothiaux thought would take nobody more than an hour, took everyone at least two and a half, still without finishing all the problems. Argh. He still maintains that it was the best exam he’s ever given, even though he admits it was also the most difficult he’s ever given. That’s just great… BadHairDay-120205After recovering from that shock in the morning, it was back to work on the Rad Tran hw though. Friday evening Daniel & I managed to stick it out in Walker and work on Rad Tran until about 10:30, when we gave up and joined Stephanie, Jacob, Petters, Frame & Chris up at the Crowbar to hear the 80s rock band “Bad Hair Day.” They were pretty decent, it was just extremely loud most of the time. Fortunately my hearing loss was only short-term. But Jacob’s dancing and Frame’s air guitar were hilarious almost all evening, it was definitely an entertaining and worthwhile break just for that. Little did we know that’d be our only quasi-break until this evening.
Saturday I had been planning on taking off some time either in the afternoon to watch the Army-Navy game, or in the evening to watch a couple of the other conference championship games, so I got myself up to Walker in the morning to get to work. Other than a break for lunch, it was 11:15pm before I left. I put in a good 10 hours of work on Rad Tran. On a Saturday. How sad. At least there was a rather large group of us there for most of the afternoon and early evening, so none of us were slaving away alone at least. It’s just that I spent almost the entire day working on one problem, which Dr Clothiaux had drastically updated/changed earlier that morning, so part of what took me so long is that nobody else had started working on it yet, so I couldn’t really compare ideas too much. Very slow going. And I didn’t even finish it.
SnowyCars-Patterson-120405Sunday morning at least provided a bit of a cheery respite. First of all, it snowed 2-3 inches overnight Saturday into Sunday morning! So everything was all white and really pretty around here. I also had to dust off my winter driving skills a bit when I was on my way to church, as the roads were only partially plowed by that point. At any rate, church was nice as usual, and we had some special musical guests joining the worship team this week, a trombone quartet of four older guys who’ve been travelling around the country playing at different church services here and there. Their name is awesome too: “Totally Bone-ified” (hopefully I didn’t butcher the spelling, but that at least gets the pun across, hehe). It’s just fun to sing Christmas hymns like “Joy to the World” and “What Child Is This?” accompanied by four trombones. Just kinda adds something special. 🙂
After a much-needed grocery run it was time to head back up to Walker for another 12 hours of work. Again, it was mostly on Rad Tran, though I did manage to sneak in a couple precious hours starting on my 501 hw. Yay for Skew T diagrams! Anyway, after Daniel & I had a late-night talk with Dr Clothiaux letting him know how much time everyone had been sinking into this assignment so far (yet nobody was finished yet), we convinced him to eliminate the entire assignment that he was gonna make for this coming Friday, and to push back this assignment to Friday, along with everything else that he was gonna have due on Friday. But when we started complaining about how hard and how much work everything was, he kinda put things back in perspective, asking us if we’d rather be doing backbreaking manual labor or living in some third world country. I guess when you put it that way, we have a pretty cushy job after all, where get paid, albeit not very much, just to think. By the time it was all said and done, Daniel & I gave up for the night at 1:15am.
Another thing that came out of the discussion Sunday night with Dr Clothiaux was that I discovered that he never received the email I’d sent him a week before Thanksgiving about my preferences for TA assignments for spring 2006. This was no good, because by then all the TA spots had been decided upon, based on the preference requests they received. So instead of getting perhaps one of my first couple choices, like Mesoscale Meteo or Forecasting, I got stuck with another three sections of Meteo 003 Lab. Even though I knew it was gonna be too late, I sent both Bill & Dr Clothiaux an email explaining why I didn’t particularly want to TA Meteo 003 again, and they both were real apologetic, saying that they basically couldn’t do anything about it at this point, that it was all already decided, but that if they’d actually gotten my email when I originally sent it, that I definitely wouldn’t have been put with Meteo 003 again, because I had very solid reasons (namely, that I wouldn’t learn as much or get as much out of it by teaching it again, that I wanted to learn something new). Daniel, who was placed as the Mesoscale TA, very kindly basically offered to switch assignments with me, since Mesoscale was my #1 choice, but I didn’t take him up on that, since he also really didn’t want to do Meteo 003, and since he’s also got more of a meteo background, and is hence better qualified to TA Mesoscale than I am. But this morning when I talked to Bill about this whole TA business I found out that there might be a possibility of a switch for me. The person who was assigned to TA Synoptic wasn’t all that thrilled about it for whatever reason. If I wasn’t planning on taking it next fall from Dr Nese I would’ve included that on my preference list for courses this spring I’d like to TA, but if Brian does indeed agree to switch to take my Meteo 003 labs, then Daniel would probably like to get the Synoptic spot (his top choice), and then I’d take Daniel’s place in Mesoscale (my top choice). That’d make probably just about everyone happy. But I’m not really gonna push that hard for it, if it happens it happens, if it doesn’t it doesn’t, either way I’ll be fine. I figure everything happens for a reason. If I end up doing Meteo 003 again next spring (which is still by far the most likely possibility), I’d be TA’ing from Dr Nese, who Daniel says is really nice and fun to TA for (and everyone says he’s an awesome prof), and cool about deadlines for us getting stuff graded. There are other plusses to doing Meteo 003 again too, such as not having to invest huge quantities of time learning new material, since I’ve already done that for this semester (not that most of it wasn’t review for me anyway as it was), unlike what I’d have to do if I were TA’ing any other class. So who knows what’s gonna happen on this front, we’ll see. A bonus about this happening is that Dr Clothiaux said he’d give me first pick of what class I wanted to TA next fall, should I still need a TA position (basically, if there’s no funding for the research I want to do).
Oh, and yesterday in Rad Tran we got back our exams too, Dr Clothiaux graded them over the weekend. You know it’s bad when a professor says to the class, “don’t cry, but there was a 71-point spread from top score to bottom, and both endpoints and the midpoints have company” right before he hands back the exams. I was one of the midpoints, 48%. Ouch. I think that’s probably the worst I’ve ever done on a test, apart from possibly Calc 2 at Gustavus my freshman year (what a horrible class that was…). But we do get a chance to correct it at least, and earn back up to half our points. So that’s another thing due Friday, hooray. The sad thing is, I don’t know that most of a week thinking about the problems will help me fix them, they’re pretty tough. But I had to put it out of my mind, as I had grading to do for Meteo 003 yesterday, about 8-10 hours of it. Daniel had a bunch too, more than I did, and it was 1:30 when I finished and gave him a ride up to his truck, so he wouldn’t have to walk the half hour in the cold wind across campus in the middle of the night. So all in all, that made for two nights in a row of being in Walker past 1am, three past 11pm, and five past 10pm. Not fun. But it did start bringing back memories of all the time I’d spend in Olin back at Gustavus. I guess at least I’m not in Walker until 2am every night like I had to be in Olin to get my homework done…
Today was the final lab for one of my Meteo 003 sections, I just handed out evaluation sheets and let them go. Easiest. Lab. Ever. It was nice too, since I had homework basically all day today for tomorrow’s assignment in 501. At least that wasn’t terribly difficult, just tedious. But now the next couple days will be devoted to finishing that awful Rad Tran assignment that I’m still not done with, correcting my exam, correcting another assignment that we’ll get back tomorrow morning, and starting to study for Monday’s Rad Tran final (which, by the way, Dr Clothiaux is making not two hours, but four — we’re all scared to death now), and basically in general trying not to go insane. Studying for Tuesday’s 501 final will have to wait until Monday afternoon. I hate finals season. But at least we have one of them out of the way already, thank goodness.
Winter’s definitely here. It’s cold (though not nearly as cold as the subzero stuff in the midwest), and so the snow’s still hanging around, which for Daniel & David is highly unusual. They’ve both said this is the longest they’ve ever experienced snow staying on the ground. And this stuff fell only back on Saturday night! Boy are they in for a long winter. 🙂 And the snow geese are definitely honking again, there’s a good chance we’ll get 3-6″ more of the white stuff on Thursday night into Friday here in State College. At least that’s what it looks like at this point. Oh please, oh please, can classes on Friday be cancelled?
And now for a few interesting stories. If you’re interested in buying some shoreline property, may I suggest avoiding Hawaii? Because it just might collapse into the ocean, ya never know.
There’s a UN Climate conference going on this week up in Montreal, and apparently they’re going a bit wacky up there. Apparently some activist group up there is trying to blame global warming on men exclusively, painting women as the innocent victims of it. Whatever.
Some people are just starting to notice that young men are disappearing from American colleges, that they make up only 43% of college students nationwide. Here are some theories as to why that’s the case.
And finally, apparently the University of Wisconsin system took a page out of the playbook from China, North Korea, Iran and several other countries and banned Bible studies in dorm rooms. The issue is really coming to a head at UW-Eau Claire, where the university has told an RA that he’s not allowed to hold a Bible study in his dorm room. Have the dimwits in Madison who made this policy ever heard of the First Amendment? I think not.
In just one week this semester will be over. In just one week this semester will be over. In just one…

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