I Graduate Tomorrow!

Well, graduation is almost here! Just one more day to go, tomorrow is commencement. But there’s still so much to do.
ErinJaredZachSenior Week has been a blast so far, except for being sick. Back on Wednesday evening I went to the Western Dinner with Josh. Mmmmm, so many yummy Buffalo Wild Wings!! After that I went to a wine & fondue party for a bit that was being hosted by Claire & Anna over in College View. Believe it or not that was the first time I’d ever had fondue. At least I got that checked off my to-do list before graduation. 😉 After that it was time for the Bar Crawl. I went along on that for a bit, it was heaps of fun!
Thursday I slept till after 11 sometime because of my sore throat, which at that point was morphing into a whammy of a cold. I didn’t do too much Thursday afternoon, other than getting a bunch of music back onto my computer from CD’s. I hadn’t done that yet, and I needed to because my music library accidentally got deleted when I wiped my hard drive a month ago. I still need to get some music from Zach’s iPod, and maybe a little more from Borg, but other than that I think I’m doing alright. President'sBanquetThursday evening was the President’s Banquet, a wonderful free semi-formal meal, exactly 1362 days after our President’s Banquet during Freshman Orientation, serving as nice bookends to our time as a Gustie. At the banquet was also a “crapass” speech by Prof. Leila Brammer (that word’s a quote from her speech), who has earned the right of being among my least favourite profs on campus. A bit after the banquet I went over to Carl & Seth’s apartment in College View for a bit, to hang out and watch “The Gods Must Be Crazy,” though my cold was getting so bad by that point that I could only stay for an hour. I also made a brief appearance at Katie G.’s room in Rundstrom, a few people including Vicki, Heidi H. and Kaija were over there watching ROTK, before simply coming back to my room and going to sleep because I was so miserable. Colds suck.
CivFriday (yesterday) I cleaned out all my stuff from the senior physics office in Olin, and then spent pretty much the rest of the day (3:30pm-1:30am) playing the board game “Civilization” at Prof. Molnar’s house with him, Ben, John, Matt, Nate H., and Paul (aka Frodo). It’s normally a long game, but it was made longer partly because Molnar had to take breaks frequently to take care of his infant/toddler son. The other part was that the game quickly devolved in the middle of the game from the usual friendly, defensive, “nice” game of Civ into a militaristic, aggressive, offensive game, with Matt basically sacking all his cities to become a barbarian horde and mess up John (and therefore severely affecting Ben, which was good because they were both way in the lead at the time), it was fun, hehe. 🙂 Anyway, when we decided to call it quits I had managed to sneak ahead with my little base in North Africa down in the corner of the board, and overcome a sluggish, calamity-filled start to win, woohoo! Ben was a bit bitter about getting taken out, thus ruining his only chance to win the game for the first time in his four years here, but oh well, everyone but Ben thought it was a really fun game.
This morning we had to wake up for commencement rehearsal, which may have been the most pointless, mind-numbing hour of my time at Gustavus. It was so disorganized, and there was only a grand total of perhaps three minutes of useful information that we were told (that might still be a bit generous), and it was broken up in little bits and scattered throughout the painful-to-listen-to presentation. Oh well, in a few minutes I’ll be heading over to Arbor View to a BBQ that Johanna and her family is hosting, and then I’ll be taking the afternoon and evening to PACK. I haven’t started yet, and I have a lot to get done before tomorrow morning when my parents and Nathan get here.
Schedule for tomorrow: Baccalaureate Service at 9am in Christ Chapel, Reception in the Arb at 10:30 hosted by Seth Hayek & family for his friends and their families, Commencement Line-up at 12:30, and then the Commencement Ceremony at 2pm at Hollingsworth Field (or Lund Arena if it’s raining, which it shouldn’t be, the weather’s looking nice thankfully), followed by a Physics reception half an hour after Commencement in Olin. Then it’s time to pack up the remaining couple things that are still left in my room (which had better be pretty sparse by that point), check out of my room, and say goodbye to Gustavus. :'( Tomorrow evening my family will be hosting a get-together at Aaron & Eve’s house in Minnetrista, which is part of my I can’t leave much packing/movign for tomorrow at all, I have to have it basically done today.
I didn’t get the job with Enterprise, they said all their summer positions were already full. So that means that I need to go pick up applications from Best Buy, JCPenney and wherever else, I might stay at Aaron & Eve’s tomorrow night so that I can pick those up and fill them out Monday morning, before heading to Cumberland for a day or two to see people, before returning to Aaron & Eve’s for the rest of the summer.
As a reminder, my website will be down for a week or two starting later this afternoon. Keep that in mind if you’re reading this and it’s still in the month of May. Josh’s family is moving from Sioux Falls to Milwaukee sometime next week, and so it’ll take a few days for them to get everything transferred and then set up again.
As a parting bit of humour, check out this story about a polar bear that had “breath surgery“!
Well, that’s all for me, likely my last post ever from the campus of Gustavus Adolphus College, and certainly my last ever from Wahlstrom Hall, which is being demolished over the summer. Have a good weekend everyone!

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