Accepted Into Penn State!

This week hasn’t been anything too overly exciting, although a couple fun and cool things happened. First, I got an email from Penn State on Tuesday informing me that I’m admitted into their Meteorology program, and that they’re offering me an assistantship too! I’m probably gonna make a visit out there sometime during spring break in the first week of April to check them out and compare them to Colorado, which I’ll be visiting in two weeks. At this stage my top two choices are probably Penn State & Colorado, followed by Oklahoma & Wisconsin (and those were my top four when I was filling out my apps, so now I don’t really care too much about the other schools). As for some other fun stuff on Tuesday, I went down to Patrick’s with John, Carl, Seth, Cory and a couple other people for their weekly trivia night, although I can’t say that I was of any assistance whatsoever on the questions that were asked. Their team is called “The Aviators,” and they’ve been pleading with me since the start of the semester to come down and help get them that extra point or two per round that’d get them into the top three overall, so I decided to give it a shot. I only stuck around for an hour though, as I wanted to go to Proclaim instead, that’s more important to me than random trivia. I’ll probably do trivia night again, though probably not next week, as next Wednesday we have a test in Astrophysics.

Erika-OpenMicNightWednesday evening I went to the Holden Evening Prayer at Christ Chapel. It’s a fairly short (half hour) kinda-Lutheran service that’s often used during Lent at different places. It’s a fairly quiet and reflective service, but with some nice hymns too, it was pleasant. After that a bunch of us physics pholk went down to the Courtyard Cafe to watch Erika (junior physics major) play guitar and sing at Open Mic Night. After that I did a bunch of work on my webpage, including getting more photos re-uploaded, so that now all the other pages on my website actually have four photos at the top of the page again. Also, I fixed the problem with my archives links, so that now they actually work. I only have a little bit more to go, and my website will be back to where it was before went bye-bye.

GACvsBethel-022405Last night was what I’d been looking forward to all week, the MIAC Playoff Semifinal (men’s b-ball) match-up between #19 Gustavus and Bethel here at GAC. I got all decked out in black and gold (gold shirt & shorts, knee-high black socks, black & gold facepaint) and cheered so loud in the front row of the rowdy section that my voice isn’t doing so hot today. 🙂 It was a tight game early in the first half, as Bethel led 19-16 after a bunch of lead changes and ties, but then the Gusties erupted for a 28-8 run spanning into the start of the second half to take control of the game. Capped off by back-to-back threes, our lead leapt up to 20 points, 47-27, before the Gusties cruised to a 65-49 victory, the 17th straight for the Golden Gusties. It was the third year in a row that the Gusties have ended Bethel’s season in the MIAC semifinals here on our court, and the fifth year in a row they’ve met in the semis down here. Next up for GAC is the MIAC Championship Game on Saturday night, at home versus St Thomas, the #2 seed in the conference tourney, who we split the season series with. It should be an amazing game with an absolutely electric atmosphere (the winner gets a berth in the NCAA Division III tournament), but I have to miss it. 🙁 This weekend (and in half an hour or so, in fact) I’m gonna be at the Curriculum II retreat up at Koinonia, a retreat center just south of Saint Cloud. It’s for the CII seniors and freshmen, and it was an awesome time up there three years ago, so I’m really looking forward to going back this year again. Carl & I convinced Chuck to let us take one of the schools telescopes up there, so hopefully we’ll have a good night or two for observing. And I’m definitely bringing my six decks of cards up there, I’m hoping to get some games of hand & foot going! 🙂

Tennis and golf are starting to get more interesting. This week in tennis we learned how to do serve (kinda important), though it’s still a bit challenging to routinely get it in bounds without just lobbing it in there. But that’s why I’m taking a class, so I can work on these things. And in golf we’re finally doing full swings, and hitting some whiffle balls in the gym. I really need to get my body much more into the swing, so that it isn’t just my arms doing all the work. But I think I’m starting to understand a bit more what I need to do to swing/hit properly. I’ll get it eventually. And jazz dance… well, let’s just say that Cory & I are doing the camel thing less and less. On Thursday I definitely started to feel like I was slowly starting to get the drills/moves we’ve been working on for the last week or two now. It just takes time, patience and persistence. Conditioning, on the other hand, is definitely my least favourite class this semester, the low point of every MWF, but it’ll be good for me and help get me into some semblance of shape. St Ansgar’s Chorus is also really fun, Dr Aune’s absolutely hilarious! And we’re starting to have baritones crawling out of our ears in there, so I got moved down to bass, which I feel more comfortable with anyway. Now I just gotta relearn all the songs we’ve done so far, looking at the bass line instead of the baritone line. And we’ve got some cool songs we’re working on too. Too bad we only have the one concert in May, as far as I know.

Well, time for me to grab my bags, swing by Olin to help Carl pick up the telescope, and then head over to Three Flags to load up the vans for the retreat! Have a good weekend everyone!

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