Touring Week

If you found my website by using my old URL (, DO NOT use that anymore. If you do, then come April you will no longer be able to get to my site. My site has moved to its new permanent home, –( )–. So change your bookmarks now (FYI, and will also take you directly to my main site, so you technically don’t have to type the “/blog/” part at the end). Josh reinstalled everything on the webserver over Touring Break last week, and in the process ditched the domain name (it expires in April). Josh & I also had a bit of a miscommunication, and I didn’t save all the things that I apparently needed to save before he wiped the webserver’s hard drive. Like my posts, comments, uploaded photos, etc. Basically everything. Fortunately for me, ecto, the program that I use to post to my blog, had saved my 100 most recent posts on my computer, so I’ve spent time the last couple nights getting those uploaded and transferred to my new blog, That means that my posts going back to late March 2004 still exist, but prior to then (stretching back to my original blog’s inception in October 2003) is totally irretrievable. All the comments that have ever been made on my blog were also lost. I still have quite a bit of work to do, such as getting all the photos from my various posts uploaded, along with re-doing all the links on all the other pages on my website (and then upload those as well). It still might be a few days before everything is back up and running completely (especially since I also have some homework to do and a 50-hour trivia contest this weekend), so please be patient. Well, time for bed, I’ll try to make a real blog entry about what I’ve been up to the last couple weeks sometime soon, perhaps tomorrow night.

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