Sore Racquetball Shoulder

J-term is going by far too quickly. Seriously, I only have two days left of J-term. EVER. What’s up with that? Why is time suddenly in ultra-high-speed mode?

Crucifix-Snow-012205Saturday was really really cold. I had to work in the morning at Admissions, but fortunately there weren’t any tours for me to give, since all but a couple of the prospies cancelled their visits that day due to the still-treacherous road conditions from the previous night’s severe blizzard. Many of the sidewalks were completely hidden, including the steps from Ring Road But all the fresh-fallen snow and the clear blue skies made for some very nice pictures from around campus, which I took after I got out of work around midday. In the afternoon I played some cutthroat racquetball with Zach & Seth, playing with three people is definitely a different game from singles or doubles. Then I had a pretty quiet evening, just doing some photo stuff. Oh, and then I had a pretty good and long discussion/debate with Ben and Heidi that started off at terrorism, eventually made it to creation and then somehow on to global warming. It was a bit too wide-ranging to say if either of us “won,” but it was still fun to have a little back-and-forth with people about belief systems and such.

Sunday morning I went to church at Christ Chapel with Erin, Zach & Jolene, and heard another good sermon from Brian Beckstrom. I think I’m definitely gonna try to go to the Chapel on Sundays when Brian’s talking, he’s a really cool guy. After watching a bit of football in the afternoon I went over to Lund to play racquetball for a third day in a row with Zach, this time joined by Seth, Jolene and Aaron. It’s really fun, but all the racquetball I’d been playing was really starting to get to my right shoulder — I’m pretty sure my rotator cuff is messed up, because whenever I throw/swing my arm in an overhand motion (even to throw a snowball), it hurts a fair bit. It even hurts my shoulder to shift my car into reverse, so I’m definitely gonna get it looked at next week while I’m home, especially since I’m slated to take tennis and golf as classes in spring semester. But anyways, after racquetball it was time for a night of problems trying to get iPhoto ’05 installed, because somehow my iPhoto library/database got seriously corrupted (which caused iPhoto to crash every time I tried to open it), so I had to re-import all 6000 of my photos. Sigh. I have yet to rebuild my albums of my favourite pictures (such as my screen saver and background albums), that’ll be a project for next week probably. But I’m really liking the new things that this new version of iPhoto is doing, it’s definitely an improvement on the previous version.

Monday evening I played some IM volleyball with Ben, John, Josh, Nate, Megan & Anna again, though we lost very quickly in two sets. Since it was the playoffs we’re done with that now. But Josh, Nate & I were fine with losing because it meant we wouldn’t have to miss any of our new favourite show, “24.” The first 10 minutes was a thrill-ride, just like the ads said, lol. Jack Bauer came through in the clutch once again, but now the terrorists are in control of all 104 nuclear power plants in the country. I’ll have to make sure to tune in next week when I’m home to see what happens next. I admit it, I’m hooked. 🙂 I also went to MCF, Men’s Christian Fellowship, for the first time on Monday night. It seems like a pretty good group, I’m definitely gonna try to find time to go fairly often during spring semester. Meeting some more people (especially other Christians) on campus is definitely a good thing.

Tuesday after class I went down to Mankato to have a short chat with Cecil about grad school stuff, and to check out car decks and speakers at Best Buy. I walked out with a new Kenwood radio/CD player (which I got installed this evening) and a couple pairs of speakers, which will be installed later, since Best Buy didn’t have enough time to fit that in today. Also on Tuesday night was the last Proclaim of J-term, and Erin gave a good talk at it. It was also her last Proclaim ever as a GAC student, since she’s graduating on Friday. Tonight after picking up my car from Best Buy my sectionmates and I (plus Liisa, Heidi & Anna) went to Trivia Night in The Dive. There was one sports round, and the other six rounds were movie questions (okay, so maybe one of the five rounds was actually TV, but close enough). I mean, c’mon, the questions are obviously pretty easy when all seven teams are in a first-place tie for a round, having all ten questions correct. But we did clean up a bit, our team won four of the seven rounds in total. So… much… food… ResLife is talkin about continuing these Trivia Nights in the spring, with other groups (like the PA’s or sports teams) sponsoring it occasionally. We as a section will probably end up sponsoring it some night too, and come up with some really obscure movie quotes, and Josh would undoubtedly have a “Macintosh Trivia” round, lol.

This week I also bought a new domain name,, which sometime later this spring will become the new home for my website. Josh is gonna be letting the domain name expire this spring, so I had to find another address to have it at in order to continue my blog. When I know the date that my website will change addresses I’ll post it well ahead of time. And will be down temporarily for a bit next week while Josh does a bunch of maintainence on the webserver over Touring Week. Speaking of Touring Week, I’ll be home taking it easy from this weekend through next weekend, when I take a road trip over to Green Bay to visit Mike & Kevin. I mean, hey, it wouldn’t be touring week if I didn’t at least go on a tour somewhere. 😉

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