I… am… sore… Very sore. Yesterday afternoon I lifted weights for the first time, oh, since junior year of high school, a span of seven years. It’s not really a New Year’s resolution or anything, but I just decided that I’d like to get back in shape a bit, and since Vic & Andrew regularly go to the gym already, I figured I may as well tag along with them. Going with other people is definitely easier than trying to start something new (especially any form of exercise) by yourself. So yesterday Vic & I only worked out for 45 minutes or so, but it was more than enough to make my arms and upper body very upset with me all day today. I’ll probably still be pretty sore tomorrow, but if I keep with this working out thing hopefully I won’t be quite so sore the day after anymore.
Last night was the first Friday night team trivia of 2007, and we were in third place going into the final round, but went all in, got it right, and wound up finishing in first! Booya!
After going to the kickoff breakfast for the new Men’s Ministry at church this morning, I went to the Penn State vs Indiana basketball game. The Nittany Lions jumped out to a 17-5 lead early on, but the Hoosiers came back to make it a 41-40 Lions lead at halftime. What did in Penn State was Indiana’s three-point shooting (14-for-34) and the Nitts’ crappy free throw shooting. Inconsistent refereeing didn’t help either, argh. Penn State wound up falling 84-74. Are you in?
This afternoon Jon & I spent an hour or so rearranging the living room. We’re planning on hosting a Super Bowl party for the meteo grads in a few weeks, but we moved stuff around so that the TV would be visible to more people, by putting it in the corner.
I’m actually a big fan of how we have it now, I think it’s an improved setup. Basically it used to be that only the couch and the big chair could see the TV, but now both of those plus the futon and the rocking chair can see it as well. Definite improvement. 🙂
The NFL playoffs continue tomorrow, but more importantly, the Season 6 premiere of “24” is on! I loved the most recent Bill Simmons column on espn.com, in the section where he was giving the Vegas odds and his picks for the weekend’s games, including: “Jack Bauer (+13.5) over THE CHINESE [all caps signifies the home team]. Two nights away. I’m giddy. The pick (in body counts): Jack Bauer 23, The Chinese 0.” Awesome. I can’t wait! Only 21 hours, 6 minutes and change away!
So Sore
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