Grading Sucks

I really hate grading these days. Not really much more to say about that, other than it’s sucking up just about all my time. As soon as I finish one week’s set of grading it’s time to get started on the next. I suppose I would be more productive if I weren’t also watching the Olympics (or, in last night’s case, ’24’) while grading, but that wouldn’t be as enjoyable, now would it?
25-cent wings at Sports Cafe with Daniel for Tuesday lunch, however, are good. So so good. Though some of the wings there lately are giant mutant wings. Seriously, I had one today that was practically the size of a cornish hen, it was ridiculous. They’ve gotta be giving those chickens some sort of growth hormone. If they’re even chickens…
I found out Monday afternoon that my cousin Jonathan’s actually bought his plane tickets down to Arizona, meaning I’ll get to hang out with him for the first few days of spring break, yay! Not quite sure what we’ll do yet or where we’ll go, anyone have any ideas or suggestions (aside from the Grand Canyon of course)?
Went and saw a couple apartments with Petters today in his current building, and we’ll be going to a couple more tomorrow (Wed). It’ll be good to have something to compare against.
TV ratings for the Torino Olympics are down from previous Olympiads, but I bet they’d go right back up if they introduced woman vs polar bear wrestling as a new event. It’d certainly be more interesting than snowboard halfpipe at least.
It appears that there’s a worm virus out there for Mac OS X machines (one of the first I’ve heard of that targets Macs), but you still have to basically infect your machine yourself with your own stupidity in order for it to cause harm.
And in case any more evidence was needed why it’s not worth it to get so wrapped up in politics that you get angry about it, here’s some.
And finally, apparently it can be deadly in Florida to run out of toilet paper. Death by hammers. Doesn’t sound like a pleasant way to go.
We get back our Cloud Physics exams tomorrow morning. Dr Harrington stopped by the TA office several times today while he was grading them to say they weren’t too bad overall, except for mine, he told me I got a zero, haha. I think he likes torturing us. 🙂 We’ll believe him when we see ’em…

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