Stab Wound & 24

AmberMario-011306The last few days have been pretty interesting and fun. Well, fun apart from when I accidentally stabbed myself. But more on that in a bit. First, back on Friday to start out the evening there was trivia at the Sports Cafe, with basically the usual crew. We weren’t able to defend our three consecutive first-place finishes however; we actually came in in fifth (out of six teams playing). DanielVicFrame-011306It just wasn’t our night, oh well. I guess that means we’ll be paying for our wings ourselves next Friday night, instead of what we have been doing lately, letting our previous week’s winnings pay for them. Le sigh. Shortly after trivia ended several of us went down to Bar Bleu to have a couple drinks and meet up with a bunch of other meteo people, all to celebrate Mario’s 30th birthday. It was a great time! David-011306But even after Mario left for the evening, several of us still stayed, a few of us even until 1. The one potential downside of the evening was that the band “Plush” was playing, as they apparently do every Friday night at Bar Bleu. When we heard them back in October, they were a very, very bad punk band. But at least this time they weren’t quite so terrible (though they still weren’t very good at all), and they played some non-punk songs even, which was a plus. I guess ya gotta take what you can get.
On Saturday I just kinda dinked around for awhile, watching some college basketball and eventually the Seahawks-Redskins playoff game, most of which was absolutely painful to watch, the offenses were so dreadful. Anyway, after supper Daniel was gonna come over here so we could watch the much-hyped Broncos-Patriots game, so I decided to make myself some spaghetti before he came over. I was cutting some onions and green peppers to put in the sauce, and the knife blade was starting to come loose from the handle. At that point the thought ran through my head, “I have a feeling this is going to end badly.” I should’ve listened to myself. So I pushed the knife back into the handle and began cutting again, only to notice coming loose once more. So, a bit frustrated by this imbecilic knife that was costing me time, I grabbed it (very idiotically), basically cupping my left palm over the tip. I pushed the blade back into the handle, but my hand slipped a little, and quicker than you could say “uh-oh” I had a nice little stab wound on my left palm about an inch below my pinky, about a half inch long and kinda deep. Crap. So what do I do? Slap a band-aid on it and continue making supper, and hope that the bleeding stops eventually. So I finish eating, Daniel gets here, and after a little while I look down and notice my palm’s filled with blood again. Sigh. So do I decide to go to the hospital and get my self-inflicted stab wound stitched up? No, of course not. I’m too stubborn. I wanted to stick around and watch the rest of the football game with Daniel, so I just sat there applying pressure most of the rest of the evening. But it was all good, especially since the Patriots lost. I was getting sick and tired of how much the media was constantly slurping all over the Patriots.
Sunday morning I was beginning to realize that the wound just wasn’t gonna be able to close on its own, leastaways not with it being kinda reopened any time I moved any muscles on the right side of my left hand. So after I got back from church I called the 24/7 nurse advice line here at PSU, and they told me that it was too late for sutures, and that I should just keep it clean, and put some neosporin on it or whatever, which I did. At one point in the afternoon my brother Nathan showed my parents how to get on MSN Messenger, so my mom kinda freaked out when she saw my screen name of something like, “stabbing yourself isn’t a good idea, i wouldn’t recommend it…” I guess I’m gonna have to watch what I put in my screen name from now on. 😉 Anyway, I basically wiled away the afternoon hours watching the weekend’s other two playoff games, Colts-Steelers (which was a bizarre game, especially towards the end) and Bears-Panthers, though I ducked out of that one early to head to the Bible study over at Anna’s with Penn State Christian Grads. But going to the Bible study meant that I missed out on the first hour and ten minutes of the season premiere of “24,” the thrilling TV series I got hooked on last year. Fortunately, however, my friend Heather, another fellow “24” fanatic back at Gustavus, kindly filled me in over instant messenger on what I missed. 🙂
This afternoon I went to the doctor’s office on campus just to make sure my little wound wasn’t getting infected or anything, and she said that everything was a-okay, that I’d been doing a good job taking care of it. They just slapped on a couple of steri strips (butterfly bandages), and I was on my way. Keen. Hopefully now it’ll be able to heal a bit faster, since I’ve got those steri strips on keeping it closed. Then this evening my new Korean roommate Bon Gi (who’s only been in the States for two weeks now), who was making some Korean food with a couple friends, invited me to join them. It was my first taste of Korean food, and it was pretty good. I forget what the dish was called that they made, but it was pretty spicy, with rice, some noodles of some sort, a fried egg, soy sauce, sesame sauce, a hot red pepper paste and some broccoli. Then tonight I’ve been just parked in front of the tele, glued to another two brand new episodes of “24” (that’s such an AWESOME show!!!), then the last bit of the fascinating “Lincoln” special on the History Channel, and now I’m watching Aussie tennis star Lleyton Hewitt live in a first-round match of the Australian Open from Melbourne on ESPN2. Their occasional shots of the Melbourne area during the outros and intros to and from commercials are really making me wish I was back there in Melbourne again… I love that place so much, I can’t wait till I can go back again!

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