So Many Wings

Hmm, I really should stop missing meetings, it’s really not a good plan. Back on Friday Daniel & I went to lunch at Arby’s a bit before 1, and we just got to talkin and everything, and before we knew it it was 2:45. So when we walked into the TA office in Walker, the others informed me that Dr Nese had stopped by a couple times looking for me. You see, I have a TA meeting with him scheduled for 2pm every Friday about Meteo 003. And I also forgot about it two weeks prior. Not good. Very not good. So now there’s a post-it note taped to my monitor on my desk in the TA office, in big red marker letters in my handwriting that says, “TA Meeting – FRIDAYS 2:00pm.” If I miss another one, I think I’m a hopeless case. But at least I was doing something enjoyable while forgetting there was someplace else I needed to be… I don’t know why I’ve had issues remembering these meetings this semester, although I also had trouble remembering them last semester occasionally, when we’d meet with Bill. But at least last semester there were other people in the office that had the same meeting, so I was easily reminded usually.
HundredWings-012706Fortunately on Friday evening I was able to forget about my forgetfulness. The Sports Cafe happened to make this past Friday another 25c wings day, so we meteo grads used our $25 gift certificate from winning trivia last week to get 100 wings. That’s right, a hundred wings. For six or seven people. Mmm mmm good! Too bad it didn’t quite help us to yet another first place finish this week in team trivia, though we did pull down second for $15. Not too shabby, I’d say it’s a good racket we’ve got going on. And then after trivia a bunch of us meteo grads went out bowling, which was heaps of fun. I managed to improve every game too, getting an 88, 105 and 110. That’s certainly not the best I’ve ever bowled, but hey, at least I didn’t go backwards.
On Saturday after running a couple errands I moseyed on down to the HUB for the off-campus housing fair. I figured that even if I don’t know yet who I’ll be living with (if anyone), I should probably start getting an idea at least of some apartments that are available. Fortunately there were a few places that said they did have places opening up in May, even though most places have August-August leases, which aren’t terribly helpful to me…
GameNight-LOTR-012806I got a bit of grading done in the afternoon, and then it was off to Shannon’s apartment for a game night with a bunch of the meteo grads. We all started out playing a few rounds of Taboo (always fun), before splitting up into a couple groups, where I played Lord of the Rings with Jacob, Mario, Walter & Ben, while everyone else played Pictionary. But our first game of LOTR (which was the first time Mario, Walter & Ben had ever played it) came out pretty well, with us setting a new high score. But then the second game showed us why the fellowship only has about a 10-15% win percentage versus the game (Sauron). I’m definitely hoping we do more game nights in the future, not only are they fun but they’re also relatively free, which is key.
This morning Daniel & I went to church again at SCEFC, and there was a guest speaker named Jerry Bridges giving a sermon on 1 Corinthians 13. It was an absolutely excellent sermon (not the usual superficial 1 Cor 13 message that often gets preached these days), and it definitely gave us both a lot of food for thought… As for the rest of the day, I watched a bit of the Federer-Baghdatis Australian Open final (which Federer won in four sets, after flipping the “on” switch halfway through the second set – Federer’s so amazing, his level of play is on a different planet compared to everyone else), went to Walker to finish the rest of my grading and start working on cloud physics hw with Daniel, and then I went to the PSCG Sunday night Bible study at Anna’s. I maybe should’ve tried to get a bit more cloud physics worked on at some point, but oh well, it’ll all be alright.
If any of ya are interested, here’s a link to a picture of Jake’s crunched-up Neon from his accident a week-plus ago. He’s lucky his injuries weren’t worse than they are.
And another Monday (effectively) starts in mere hours. Oh joy. Oh bliss.

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