Triple Century

As per Josh‘s request I’m gonna be trying to blog a little more frequently. He says he needs his Jared fix while he’s teaching English over in Japan, so I’m gonna give it to him. Call it my birthday present to him, hehe. And to anyone else out there in cyberspace who’s reading this, I guess I’m also giving you your Jared fix whether you care or not. 😉
I went bowling tonight with Daniel, David, Amber, Levenia, Kerrie, Brian, Walter & Caren, at the lone bowling alley here in State College. That’s right, a city with a 40,000-student university has only one bowling alley. That’s an indication of how much of a small-town feel State College has. But anyway, it was just fun to break the routine of our first couple months here, which was go to Walker for classes, do homework, go home to sleep, get up, go to Walker, do homework, go home to sleep, and over and over again endlessly. It was also a fun night of hanging out with everyone outside of Walker for a change, too. And I even bowled three pretty good games in a row, with a 128, 119 and 112. Bowling over a hundred is a good game for me, and over 120 is a really good game. I can’t even remember the last time I strung together three centuries in one evening, or if that’s ever happened, so I was fairly pleased. And in the last game Kerrie came out of nowhere with a turkey, on her way to a 156, which even beat Walter. Way to go Kerrie!
Tomorrow’s “Study Day” here at Penn State, meaning there are no classes, hooray! Unfortunately, I think I’m gonna be spending most of the day actually studying and doing homework, instead of doing something fun. Oh well. With my parents coming this weekend, I’m just figuring that I can’t afford to take three days off this weekend, I have way too much to do, with crappy homework for Fluid Dynamics that none of us can figure out, and grading.
At any rate, my parents left Cumberland this morning, with aims of making it to Battle Creek, Michigan tonight to stay with my mom’s great aunt Lydia. Tomorrow night they’ll be staying with friends in suburban Pittsburgh (Zelienople, one of the cooler names for a town I’ve ever heard of), and then making it here to State College late Saturday morning. I’m thinking of trying to go on a drive down to Gettysburg or somethin on Saturday, that’d be cool to see. And hopefully the weather will cooperate a bit for scenery watching on the pretty drive down there, but it’s looking kinda iffy at this point. I don’t know what we’ll do yet on Sunday, but at some point I’m probably gonna have to break away and get a little homework or grading done, sigh. But it’ll be cool to see them again, and it’ll be the first time they’ve ever been to Pennsylvania, so hopefully they’ll enjoy it. They’re also bringing out some stuff for me that I couldn’t fit in my car when I moved out here two months ago, like my bookcase, a wastebasket, plus my winter coat and boots. We’ll see if the winter’s harsh enough here for me even to need those. 😉
It’s a little-known fact that State College is actually cloudier than Seattle, which is apparently ideal if you’re either John P. or Kate J., but kinda depressing for most everyone else who’s used to the idea of a little sunshine now and then. Take for instance our current stretch of weather… it’s been cloudy since last Thursday, without a peek of sunshine or blue skies anywhere in that time, and with none forecast until at least Saturday. It’s also been drizzling/misting a lot, but I guess that’s better than the flooding rains that people have been getting east of here, over in NJ/NY and New Hampshire. I just saw a graphic on the Weather Channel tonight that Central Park in NYC has already received nearly 11 inches of rain this month alone, with the all-time single-month record rainfall of 13 inches set back in 1903 or somethin. Needless to say, it’s quite wet just a little to our east.
I wonder how the repairs on my digital camera are coming along. I should call the repair place tomorrow for an update…
And have any of you heard about the Arkansas woman who just gave birth to her 16th child? Sixteen!! And she’s wanting more! If that’s not enough, she and her husband have named all their kids starting with the letter J. How many times do they have to cycle through all the names when yelling at a particular kid for something before they finally get around to the right one?

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