I’m 22 Today!

Apparently it’s rumoured to be my birthday today or somethin. It’s kinda hard to tell it apart from most other days, particularly since I’ve been busy grading all night. I even missed it turning midnight, until Kelly sent me an instant message saying “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, happy birthday!” at the stroke of 12, that’s how busy I was grading, sigh. Now that I’m done with that for this week, the real question is do I start preparing a wee bit for the lab I have to teach in less than eight hours, or just quick throw something together an hour beforehand tomorrow? I’m voting for the latter. 🙂 But I won’t even really be able to take time out and celebrate or go grab a beer tomorrow or anything, as I, along with the rest of my classmates, will be studying hard for Wednesday’s test in Fluid Dynamics. Ick. I guess the celebration will just have to wait until the tailgating festivities before the football game on Saturday. 😉
You may have noticed that I’ve gotten my website pretty much back to normal. I just need to upload a few more photo albums, a couple more movie clips, make my calendar/schedule page, add a few more links to my links page, and I’ll be good to go for a bit. Oh yeah, and I’ll get around to putting up a post updating what I’ve been up to since I left off in July. But only when I can squeeze it in.
It rained today, for a change of pace. Since I got here five weeks ago it’s really only kinda rained twice, once when the remnants of Hurricane Katrina rolled through, and today when Rita’s leftovers went by. It’s kinda sad when a drought’s so bad that you need a hurricane just to get a little rain up here in central Pennsylvania. But it’s been unusually warm up here all fall so far, and we might have a slight taste of fall (highs in the low 60s) later this week, we’ll see.
Well, it’s definitely bedtime now, that’s for sure. To any of you newcomers to my site, feel free to leave comments by clicking on the links at the bottom of any post if you so choose.

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