Frisbee Grudge Match

SwensonNeo-ChapelThursday was interesting. Neo sang while Matt Swenson speed painted at Chapel before they gave a co-homily, which was a fun novelty to see in daily chapel. Then I kinda started picking out some photos I thought I might wanna use for my presentation in Senior Sem later in the afternoon. I figured that since I was giving my presentation about myself in less than four hours from that time, that I should probably consider at least starting to do some preparation for it. 😉 But after lunch I got the PowerPoint thrown together and all finished a whole five minutes before class started, woot. I rambled a bit and went off on all sorts of unexpected tangents during the first part of my presentation, but hey, what do you expect when you’re almost completely winging it? 😉 For the last ten minutes I showed my PowerPoint of 10-11 slides of four photos each with various themes, capped off by a current weather map, to which I did a mini-weathercast to cap things off. It was actually a fun little presentation to do.
PrepareGroupAt Prepare in the evening, Raj showed up for the first half hour to discuss the previous night’s Bible and Homosexuality talk, and to find out our thoughts on doing some sort of open forum on the topic this coming Wednesday night. He just feels that during the question and answer time on Wed night, that a sense of community was lost on campus, that people got too emotional and hard feelings were created. We all explained how tired we were physically and emotionally from what had just gone on the night before, and that we didn’t want the forum to be a place where we’d just get verbally trampled and yelled at again, like the question and answer part of Wednesday night’s talk turned into. But in the end we decided that we should do it, as long as we have a say as to who the moderator will be, what the format will be (probably small group discussion, then coming back to a larger group), and then making it crystal clear that this forum will not be an apology, a replacement, or restitution for John Weber’s talk this week, because the truth was spoken there, and we won’t back away from the truth. But after talking about it for an hour, we decided to stop focusing on that issue, and just worship God for being God and for being good, and just being who He is, which was some very good refreshment, because none of us want to get too wrapped up or obsessed by this issue. Afterwards I wound up just hanging out for awhile with Landon, Jenna, Micah, Cara and others and talking about a bunch of stuff, it’s kinda bittersweet that I’m feeling like I’m starting to get to be pretty good friends with them now, but that it’s almost right at the end of my time here. But still, friendships are a good thing.
Fowler-MuddyShirtThis morning I kinda slept through Conditioning again. Oops. Cory, Kelly, John J., Laura and I did manage to get our jazz dance final project (a 2-minute self-choreographed dance) all figured out and rehearsed this afternoon, now we’re set for next Friday’s final. 🙂 And then this afternoon was the annual MCS vs SPS (math/computer science vs physics) frisbee game as well, and in Cory’s pre-game words it was “the biggest frisbee game of the millenium.” Okay, so maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but it was still a huge deal to us, since MCS had won the Olin Frisbee the last two years. We had a fantastic turnout (around 25, compared to MCS’s 10-12 or so), but just like last year, got out to a very slow start, falling behind 4-0. Then my line came in for a couple scores and we quickly made it 4-2 (with me catching one of those scores on a sweet pass by Fowler, who came over from Rochester for the game!). We then fell behind 7-3 before mounting a huge rally to tie it at 8, highlighted by some inspired play by our seniors. But then MCS went on a spurt to go up 12-8, which we countered with three in a row of our own, before MCS then got the final three scores to win the Olin Frisbee by a score of 15-11. Bummer. We’re disappointed, but at least we fought long and hard. At least there’ll be the SPS Christmas in May party tomorrow night for us to forget our sorrows. 😉

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