Spring Cleaning

Roberts5A2So I spent a good chunk of the day today cleaning my room, I guess I finally got the spring cleaning fever (a bit late, I might add, since spring started way back in September down here). It really really needed it, especially since I hadn’t cleaned it even once since I moved in back on July 11th. My desk had accumulated nearly four months of junk on it, everything from old receipts, used metcards (bus/train tickets), old papers, and even that short ethernet cable i’ve been looking for since August. I’m tellin ya, it was a veritable treasure trove! Well, apart from the completely full rubbish bin of junk. It’s so nice finally having a mostly clean desk now! Not to mention a now-cleared-off relatively comfy chair to sit in. Hmm, perhaps I should’ve done this before finals started, so I could’ve studied in a bit more comfort… Oh yeah, and I gave the room a good vacuum too, which it desperately needed. I daresay the carpet appears a slightly darker shade of blue now! Haha, j/k (sort of ;-). At least now I’m in a much better position to start packing, which I’ll need to do soon, since I move out in two weeks (if not a day or two sooner).

I also started studying a little bit for the GRE test, although I let myself get interrupted. Oh well, I’ll take one of those practice tests either Saturday or Sunday.

Kerry very gracefully conceded the presidential race earlier today. I didn’t hear it or see it, but I’ve read quite a few people saying it was actually the best, most relaxed speech he gave the entire campaign. But what was the deal with trotting out Edwards to also give a concession speech? Since when did veep candidates do that? In contrast to Kerry’s speech, his was rather lacking in class. It seemed rather obvious that it was a 2008 campaign speech, but it was a bad start for him. What did Edwards do for the Kerry campaign anyway? He certainly tread very lightly on the electoral world, delivering nothing to Kerry, not even a closer vote in his home state in North Carolina. And it’s lookin like the punk Terry McAuliffe’s tenure as DNC chairman is almost up, and there are rumours that Dr Dean might be next in line. I love the idea! Seriously, I do. It’d be a hoot to have Dean in there!

Well, that’s about all for tonight. Uriah decided to stay at a hostel in St Kilda tonight, but he’ll be staying overnight here in my room tomorrow night (hence why I picked today to clean my room), and I’ll be showin him some of the sights in Melbourne tomorrow. It’d be nice if it’d get warm again though, the last few days have been rather cool and wet. The last couple mornings have been in the upper single digits C (mid 40s F). The weather here is so variable, although I’m still waiting for the semi-permanent summertime switch to hot every day.

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