We spent a full day wandering around historic Boston and taking the Freedom Trail as the last main event of our East Coast Road Trip before we started driving back to Minnesota
April 1, 2005

001-Bridge We spent Friday, 1 April 2005 poking around in Boston 002-CharlestownMarina Charlestown Marina 003-CharlestownMarina Charlestown Marina, Boston 004-USSConstitution USS Constitution 005-Constitution USS Constitution, with the Boston skyline visible in the background 006-BunkerHillMonument Bunker Hill Monument, from the USS Constitution 007-Rigging The rigging on Old Ironsides 008-OldIronsides Old Ironsides, which is actually made of live oak for the most part 009-Constitution The USS Constitution 010-Lifering Lifering 011-Deck Cannons on the deck of the USS Constitution 012-ConstitutionDeck Deck of the Constitution 013-Ropes Lots of ropes 014-Cannon Cannon 015-Constitution Constitution 016-OldIronsides Old Ironsides 017-Mast Mast 018-Longguns Some of the long guns below deck 019-GrogPot The all-important grog pot 020-GunDeck Gun deck 021-Wheel Giant wheel for something 022-Jared-Wheel I quite enjoyed our tour of the USS Constitution, the oldest active ship in the US Navy 023-CrowsNest Crows nest 024-Prow Bow 025-USSConstitution The USS Constitution, undefeated in battle at 33-0 and the world's oldest active naval warship ... not too shabby! 026-Anchor Now that's a big anchor 027-USSConstitution USS Constitution 028-USSConstitution USS Constitution 029-USSCassinYoung USS Cassin Young, on the other side of the dock from the USS Constitution ... as you can see, it's a slightly more modern warship, hehe 030-Boston Boston 031-Constitution USS Constitution 032-Constitution Stern 033-Street A quaint Boston street 034-BunkerHillMonument After our tour of the USS Constitution, it was time to head up to the Bunker Hill Monument 035-BunkerHillMonument Bunker Hill Monument 036-BunkerHill Bunker Hill 037-Monument Bunker Hill Monument 038-ColWmPrescott Colonel William Prescott 039-Monument Looking up the monument 040-Boston-MysticRiver A view of Boston and the Mystic River from the top of the Bunker Hill Monument 041-Boston-CharlesRiver Boston and the Charles River flowing out into the Atlantic (the Mystic River is flowing in from the left) 042-Boston Boston 043-Boston Western suburbs of Boston 044-FreedomTrail The Freedom Trail, which we followed all through Boston from the Bunker Hill Monument to the USS Constitution, across the bridge over the Charles River, and into downtown Boston 045-CitySquare City square 046-BostonHarbor Boston Harbor 047-FleetCenter Fleet Center, home of the Celtics and Bruins 048-DowntownBoston Downtown Boston ... it's confusing trying to navigate the streets of Boston without getting lost, as it really seems like the streets were laid out following meandering cowpaths of old ... I mean, what city has seven-way intersections, or opposite one-way streets coming together in a single intersection??  Add road construction to that and Boston's a definite nightmare to drive in 049-CoppsHillCemetery Copps Hill Cemetery, along the Freedom Trail 050-CoppsHillCemetery Copps Hill Cemetery ... some of the tombstones were from as early as the mid-1600s 051-Ben-CoppsHill Ben taking a look at some of the old, old tombstones 052-OldNorthChurch Old North Church 053-OldNorthChurch Old North Church 054-OldNorthChurch Old North Church 055-OldNorthChurchPlaque A plaque honoring Paul Revere on the Old North Church 056-OldNorthChurchInterior Interior of the Old North Church 057-FreedomTrail Sign along the Freedom Trail 058-RevereMall Paul Revere Mall 059-PaulRevereMall Paul Revere Mall 060-StStephensChurch St Stephens Church, the 061-OldNorthChurch Old North Church 062-Fountain Fountain in the center of the Paul Revere Mall 063-Plaque Plaque 064-NewNorthChurch New North Church 065-StStephensChurch Paul Revere Statue and St Stephens Church 066-OldNorthChurch Old North Church 067-PaulRevereMalll Paul Revere Mall 068-PaulRevereStatue Paul Revere statue 069-RevereMall Paul Revere Mall 070-FreedomTrail Freedom Trail 071-CobblestoneStreet A quaint cobblestone street in historic downtown Boston 072-RevereHouse Paul Revere House 073-Boston Boston 074-Boston Boston 075-PuritanBeefCo Awesome name for a company 076-Market Random street market 077-HolocaustMemorial Holocaust Memorial 078-AmericasOldestBar America's Oldest Bar ... now I'm wishing we would've gone in for a drink 079-BellInHand Bell in Hand, the oldest bar in the USA 080-Boston Boston 081-CityHall Boston City Hall 082-Boston Boston 083-KingsChapel Kings Chapel 084-BeaconSt Beacon Street 085-TremontTemple Tremont Temple 086-KingsChapel Kings Chapel 087-SamuelAdamsGrave The grave of Samuel Adams, the great American patriot and namesake of a good brand of beer 088-GranaryBurialGround Granary Burial Ground, resting place of Samuel Adams and others 089-GranaryBurialGround Granary Burial Ground 090-GranaryBurialGround John Hancock is also buried here 091-StateHouse Massachussetts State House 092-BostonCommon Boston Common 093-BenJohnZachJosh-BostonCommon Ben & John resting, and Zach & Josh being weird 094-SoldiersMemorial Soldiers Memorial in Boston Common 095-SoldiersMemorial Soldiers Memorial 096-Boston Boston ... I really did enjoy Boston quite a bit more than NYC overall, partly because it seemed less crowded and frantic 097-BostonCommon Boston Common 098-JohnJosh John, looking like a damn dirty hippie, and Josh 099-BostonCommon Boston Common 100-BostonCommon Boston Common 101-BostonGardens Boston Gardens 102-BostonGardens Boston Gardens ... too bad the pond was all dried up 103-GeorgeWashington Monument to George Washington 104-GeorgeWashington George Washington 105-ShoeFlowers Shoes sure make interesting vases or planters 106-ShoeFlowers Shoe flowers 107-Cheers Cheers! 108-Cheers There are two Cheers restaurants, one on Faneuil Hill that's a replica of the TV show's set, and this one on Beacon Street that is the actual bar that inspired the TV show 109-Jared-Cheers Everybody here didn't know my name, it's a filthy lie!  But I was still excited to be at Cheers, that was one of my all-time favourite TV shows 110-Drinks We all splurged and got some tasty drinks 111-Cheers The real Cheers ... we'd been scrimping on food the whole trip, so this was our trip-end splurge 112-Cheers Cheers 113-StateHouse State House 114-Boston Boston at night