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May 12, 2007
It Figures I'm So Busy
My problems with SCIPUFF seem to have been temporarily solved. In testing that AJ & I did on Thursday, we seemed to isolate the problem of non-identical results coming from identical inputs to occasions when multiple SCIPUFF GUI windows are open. (As for why multiple GUIs might have an effect, we don't really know.) All our testing was done with only one GUI open at a time, and we weren't able to get any differing results. So while this isn't proof of what the problem is, it's certainly good enough for a working hypothesis, and I'm gonna operate on the assumption that avoiding multiple GUIs will prevent the problem, at least until after my thesis is done. Once I've defended my thesis, I can take a bit more time to look into all this and try to narrow down the problem a bit more.
So with the SCIPUFF problems "solved" for the time being, I spent yesterday creating all sorts of figures in SCIPUFF that will be used in my thesis and journal article. I also spent a couple hours trying to figure out how to edit/recreate some other figures in TecPlot that I made 6 months ago for the DTRA mini-IPR in December, and now need to revise a bit for my thesis. There are still a couple little details I'd like to change, but I might have to live with it. Time is getting to be of the essence. And then once I have all these SCIPUFF and TecPlot figures created, then comes the really fun and tedious part: cropping them down to the same size so that they'll look nice in papers and presentations. Ugh.
My friend Mike from church joined us at trivia last night, which was cool. He helped us out on some movie and music questions we might not otherwise have gotten, but our team, "It's a Simple Life in Jail," (reference to Paris Hilton's recent arrest), still finished in 4th place. Stupid final question about "Hello Kitty"...
Today's a really busy day. Actually, this whole weekend is, in fact. I've already done laundry and gone to the grocery store to pick up drinks for this afternoon's Penn State Christian Grads spring picnic, but I also need to practice piano at the church for a bit (I just found out yesterday what this Sunday's music is), grab lunch, maybe go to Walker for a bit to make some more figures, go to the PSCG officers meeting before the picnic, go to the PSCG picnic (4pm), go to worship team rehearsal at the church (6pm), go back to the picnic to help clean up, then maybe go back to the church to practice some more if I feel like I need it, and then maybe Walker if I still have any oomph left. And then tomorrow I'm playing in both services in the morning (and maybe practicing extra before the 8am final rehearsal too), then I've gotta go to Walker to work more on figures for a bit, then it's a meteo grads picnic up at Houserville at 4pm, then Bible study at 7, and *then* maybe I'll be able to relax for a bit. Who says summer's a time to sit around and do nothing? I'd better get to it!
Posted by Jared at May 12, 2007 11:38 AM