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September 28, 2006
23rd Birthday!
First of all, I'd like to send out a big thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday in the past day or so, whether it was by email, facebook, messenger, phone, snail mail or in person! You're all awesome, and I'm lucky to have you all as friends and family!
Today was a very good day. When it comes to work I got so little done though, but those days are bound to happen now and then. ;-) Shortly after I got into Walker I found out that there was an EMS Grad Student reception over in the EMS Library in Deike, so I chowed down on some free doughtnuts and muffins and whatnot. Then not long after that Daniel came down to my office and was like, "You need to come down to 402 right away. Okay, so maybe not right away, but it's boring down there, come visit." So I get down there, and most of the other grad students are waiting in there for me, and start singing me Happy Birthday. And then they gave me an awesome card signed by everyone and the coolest cake ever! The frosting was a weather map, of a low pressure system over the Carolinas, with the attendant cold & warm fronts and an isobar pattern, it was sweet! I was stuffed from having sweets all morning, but right after that it was time for lunch at the Golden Wok with Daniel, Frame, Jacob & Gall, which was quite tasty.
About the most productive thing I did with regards to uni/work was go to Grad Synoptic and pick up an assignment that's due in a week. I duly informed Marko that that was not a very kind birthday present, haha. After awhile of sitting unproductively in front of my computer at work, I decided it was best to slack at home for a short while before our final flag football practice preceding next week's IM season opener. After practice a bunch of us headed down to the Darkhorse for awhile. I wasn't planning on being there for more than a couple hours, but before I knew it two turned into four pretty quickly. :-) Thanks again for a great day and evening everyone!
Posted by Jared at September 28, 2006 01:25 AM
Agreed. That is a cool birthday cookie-cake.
Did you get our card?
Posted by: MERAmanuensis at September 28, 2006 10:32 PM
That's an awesome cake! I think it may even top cory's pi cake for nerdyness. We'll have to one up it again. Glad you had a happy birthday and that your friends there appreciate you as much as we at gustavus did/do. We may have not made cakes for you on your brithday, but you usually got a poem and some random gifts. A new jaredSIM project is under way. This time its a graphics library called openJL. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Posted by: Davie F at September 29, 2006 05:19 PM
that is a very cool cake :)
also - cool t-shirt ;)
Posted by: j031 at September 30, 2006 11:08 AM
Best/nerdiest. Cake. Ever.
Also, nice pun on the "it was sweet!"
Happy birthday again (late)!
Posted by: Kate at October 2, 2006 12:46 PM
Mom - yes I got the card, thanks!
Dave - if you one up this cake, you know you have to send me a picture, right? Your poems are legendary out here, by the way, even though I haven't been able to show them the real deal yet. And I'm lookin forward to hearing about this additional project you're naming after me. I'm always amazed by what you come up with, Dave. :-)
Joel - thanks, I thought you might appreciate it!
Kate - agreed on the nerdiness/bestness. However, believe it or not, the pun was completely unintentional. I didn't even notice it till you pointed it out. Thanks again!
Posted by: Jared at October 3, 2006 07:05 AM
you mention who you went to lunch with.. but not who made the cake... its cause amber and i are chicks, isnt it?
Posted by: caren at October 3, 2006 09:28 PM
We're just not important enough, Caren...
Posted by: amber at October 4, 2006 02:45 PM
Caren & Amber, I apologize for making such a horrible gaffe/omission as that, it was completely unintentional. I hope you can forgive me eventually. You two definitely deserve the credit for the cake. So let me officially proclaim: Caren & Amber made my birthday cake and did an AWESOME job! Thanks!
Posted by: Jared at October 5, 2006 11:53 PM