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May 01, 2005

Snow? In May?

Seriously, you've gotta be kidding me. After church this morning I went to lunch with Erin, Javen & Andy, and when we got done I looked out the windows at the caf, and noticed that it was SNOWING. In May. Something's seriously wrong here. This weather is really starting to get a bit ridiculous. Anyway, I just remembered that Cory & I have tickets to the play today here at GAC at 2, and then we have an IM frisbee game at 5. I'm seriously debating whether or not to partake in either of those activities, since I have so much to do. Well, I better stop blogging and start homeworking.

And I'd like to wish Dave Fowler a happy 22nd birthday! Dave also got a brand new Macintosh Powerbook laptop a couple days ago, so I'd also like to welcome him into the Mac family, and the joy of Mac. Happy birthday Dave!

Posted by Jared at May 1, 2005 12:35 PM


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