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June 21, 2004

New Blog Design

Well, as you probably already noticed, I changed some stuff up on my blog this weekend. Notably, changing the background from black to gray, the text from white to black, and making some of the menus on the sidebar into rollover menus, which is kinda cool. I'm still having issues with the spacing on the "my friends' websites" portion, I'm trying to get that fixed. I've looked at the code many times, and I don't see why it's sticking in all that extra space between everyone's name. Argh. Another notable thing that I've changed are the four pictures at the top of my blog. They're now in living color instead of black &white, and currently I have it set up so that I can manually change to different themed sets of four photos pretty quickly and easily, so those photos will be changing fairly frequently. But there are still gonna be some relatively minor changes I'm gonna make to the main page here, and then my next project will be to make all the other pages on my website use the same theme and template. I might have to do more messing around with CSS style sheets, we'll see. If you have any other suggestions for improvement for my blog, leave me a comment or drop me an email. (Note: Thanks to Zach for pointing out a problem with my code in the friends websites portion of my page. The problem is now solved!)

Yesterday (Sunday) morning I worked at the radio station early again, 5:30-10. I almost didn't wake up for it on time, but it was nice being able to spend an hour or two working on getting the photos thing set up for my blog while I was on the clock at the station, hehe. I love my job there. After I got home I spent several hours working on redesigning the blog and learning how to do CSS (cascading style sheets) on my own, so that I could do the rollover links and other cool things.

This morning I worked at Marketplace 5am-2pm, mostly spent vacuuming out the bottoms of the ice cream freezers. Ugh. Let's just say that my body was not designed to wake up at 4am and be at work at 5am. I didn't really start "waking up" until around 10 or 11 this morning, and for most of the morning I was so tired that I was worried I might fall asleep while standing up doing stuff, and I knew that I would for sure fall asleep if I were to sit down somewhere. This morning was the most tired I've felt in quite some time, that's for sure. I was supposed to be in at 5am tomorrow morning as well, but Scott forgot what cleaning he wanted me to do next, so he said that I don't have to be in until 7am. Yay! That means I can actually get some sleep tonight! That two hours will certainly make a huge difference.

After taking a nice three-hour nap this afternoon, my parents and I went to the Barron County Board of Supervisors board meeting down in Barron this evening. The reason we went was because a citizen organization called CART (Citizens Against Rising Taxes) has been circulating a petition around Barron County for the last couple months. It basically calls on the Barron County Board of Supervisors to return the county budget to 2001 levels, and that if they approve any budget or tax increases, that they must first be approved by a county-wide referendum. So tonight CART presented nearly 7000 petition signatures to the board, and there were quite a few CART members (around 30 or so) that attended the meeting, nearly all wearing neon green caps, buttons or shirts, including myself. :-) Unfortunately, the board voted to send the petition to the finance committee, which means it'll probably die there, because those are the people whose free-spending behavior the petition is trying to rein in. Argh! It was cool to actually attend one of those meetings, as I'd never been to one before, but it was also frustrating to see how ineffective and inefficient our government actually is. For awhile it looked like it'd take them a month to even create a committee to take a look at the petition! Aaargh! Basically a lot of people in the county are fed up with how quickly taxes are going up, mostly due to runaway spending by the county board. Some people have seen their taxes double in the last two years here in Barron County. That's absolutely outrageous!

In the meantime, enjoy this Slate.com commentary on "Fahrenheit 911" by Michael Moore. Also, Ray Bradbury, the author of the book "Fahrenheit 451" has been after Michael Moore for six months, trying to get him to change the name of his film to something that isn't stealing from his book. Plus, it doesn't seem like even everyone in the mainstream media likes Bill Clinton's new book, "My Life." The New York Times wrote a scathing review of it that's worth reading.

Posted by Jared at June 21, 2004 11:54 PM


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