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June 30, 2004
Done With Marketplace!
I just got back not too long ago from my very last shift at Marketplace, woohoo! I worked 6-11:45pm tonight, almost all of which was spent in the chilly milk/juice cooler. Fun times. Don't get me wrong, I liked working there, but I am so glad to be finally done.
Last night after I worked 8-5 at MP, I went over to Nathan & Laura's place to play one last game of "Rail Baron" before I left. And despite my best efforts, Laura won yet again, extending her overall winning streak in that game to something obscene, like around ten. Nathan just had a horribly frustrating night with the dice the entire game and couldn't do much, and I was pretty close to winning before Laura pulled it out. I got back from N&L's at 12:45am or so, and then by 1:30 I was heading over to Mike's for a spur of the moment visit, hehe. Shaun was over there too, and we were just basically goofing off and watching funny commercials/videos until 4:30 or so. Being spontaneous is fun. :-)
Then today I spent a little time getting the photos from the Twins-Brewers game on my website, and I also had lunch with Profe at Adventure's Cafe in Rice Lake. We talked about all sorts of stuff, including politics. We're at basically completely opposite sides of the spectrum, but it's still fun to talk about that stuff with her. :-)
Well, I suppose I should be getting to bed. Tomorrow I've got to clean out the room I'm currently sleeping in, and probably also get a good start on packing, because we're getting company Thursday night, and then Friday night's my party. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll actually be able to hang out with Brooke tomorrow night and that she won't have to cancel yet again. She hasn't seen any of the "Lord of the Rings" movies yet, and I've told her that I can't go to Australia on a good conscience without at least making sure she's seen the first one, hehe. Just four days left in Wisconsin!
Posted by Jared at June 30, 2004 01:36 AM